Opportunity Foundations in Costco Connections

A brief article about both Opportunity Foundation Thailand and a sister organization, Opportunity Foundation India, appeared in the July issue of Costco Connections. This magazine is published monthly and mailed to many of the members of the Costco discount store chain in the United States. Other members pick up the  magazine when shopping at Costco.

The magazine described a little about my wife Sue’s and my work with both foundations and included a picture of each of us. They made the pictures monochrome for some reason. I reproduce the one of Sue reading to kindergarteners here. This has created some interest and a number of emails to our Opportunity Foundation Thailand website. Some have expressed interest in donating to our work and we are talking to others about volunteering.

In the article six people/families had their work profiled, among them Greg Mortenson, author of “Three Cups of Tea” and famous for his courageous work opening schools to educate girls in Pakistan and Afganistan. Appearing with someone like that was quite an honor.

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