
Posts Tagged ‘trade sanctions’

Who Does What in Myanmar

January 4th, 2011 No comments

With World Vision heading toward “jungle schools” in the Myanmar delta. Part of our group is in the preceding boat. Some aid gets to the people of the delta area of Myanmar. For every $50 in international aid, both government and non government, to Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, Myanmar gets $2.50. I was told this [...]

Myanmar and the U.S.

November 14th, 2009 No comments

Mr. Dinger did sent a picture of the U.S. Embassy in Myanmar. As I said before (08 Nov 09) the Embassy is quite impressive, and indicates that although the U.S. has a lot of differences with the government there, it is certainly taking Myanmar seriously. As I remember, there was more in the compound on [...]

Important People

November 8th, 2009 No comments

How often do I ever meet any ambassador from any country? Well, until a few weeks ago it was never. A few days into our trip we all went over to the new U.S. embassy in Yangon and met with Mr. Larry Dinger, who is the U.S. Chargé d’Affaires for Myanmar. Because of various policy [...]